141025-0297-227What is TinyCon?

  • TinyCon is fandom-centric convention especially for teenagers! It has panels, workshops, guest speakers, vendors, and all sorts of contests and fun!

Where is it?

  • It’s in Loudoun County, Virginia, normally near Round Hill. In 2016 it will be at Round Hill Arts Center, Round Hill, Virginia 20142

When is the con?

  • October 15th, 2016! The time will be 11am to 6pm.


How do I register?

Who are some of the people running the con?

  • Aiden York had the original idea, and started the convention itself with the help of the Steampunk Family and a great group of volunteers! For more about the people involved, check our Guests page!

Can I be a vendor?

  • Probably! Vendors and artists get one 6×2.5 foot table, with a maximum of two people per, and there’s a $20 fee for artists and a $30 fee for vendors. Art, plushies, props, commissions, and more are all welcome products. Email tinycon.official@gmail.com for more information!

Can I be a volunteer?

  • Yes! Email tinycon.official@gmail.com. You will get a list of tasks to do at the con itself, and if you volunteer you get in free!

Can I be a guest or run a panel?

  • Maybe! If you have an idea email us at tinycon.official@gmail.com. Make sure to specify what panel you would want to run, some details about the panel, and any qualifications.

I want to host/be on a [fandom] ask panel!

  • Keep an eye out on our tumblr for information involving fandom ask panels.